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HF- Antenna Practice |
RW4HFN Compact Dipole Antenna for the 80- and 40- meter Band: By: Igor Vakhreev, RW4HFN |
07- 08
Compact Dipole Antenna for the 80- and 40- meter Band takes a little room and cover broad range at the bands... |
RW4HFN Compact Dipole Antenna for the 40- and 20- meter Band: By: Igor Vakhreev, RW4HFN |
09- 11
Compact Dipole Antenna for the 40- and 20- meter Band takes a little room and cover broad range at the bands... |
5- Element YAGI Antenna for the 20- meter Band: By: Nikolay Kudryavchenko, UR0GT |
12- 13
The 5- Element YAGI Antenna for the 20- meter Band has very stable parameters. Antenna has SWR less the 1.5:1 at 14.0- 14.35- MHz. Antenna has input impedance 50 Ohm... |
RA1AFS Universal Antenna for the HF Bands: By: Vitaliy Nekrasov, RA1AFS |
14- 19
Antenna at apartment building is all time it is not an easy task to do. However the Simple Dipole Antenna that may be installed at the wall of the building is covered bands from the 80- m up to 10- meter band... |
No Counterpoises Antenna for the 7 MHz Band: By: Vitaliy Nekrasov, RA1AFS |
20- 22
Problem for any vertical antenna is counterpoises that should
be placed around of the antenna. However the counterpoises maybe substituted
by a length of coaxial cable that is closed at the end and rounded across
the radiator...
RZ9CJ Three Inverted Vertical Antennas for the 160, 80, and 40- meter Band: by: Sergey Popov, RZ9CJ |
23- 25
Simple and effective antenna for 160, 80 and 40- meter Band may be realized as an Inverted Vertical. Inverted Vertical is differed from widely spread Inverted Dipole just an additional wire. However the antenna is most efficiently compare to the usual IV antenna... |
Inverted L Antenna for the 160, 80 and 40- meter Band: By: Nikolay Kudryavchenko, UR0GT |
26- 29
Near already existing 10- meter TV metal mast it is possible to install IL antenna that will work at 160, 80 and 40- meter Band.. |
Antenna for 40- meter Band with Short Counterpoises: By: Nikolay Kudryavchenko, UR0GT |
30- 31
For good operation a vertical antenna in height of lambda/4 requires good ground or several counterpoises in length of lambda/4. However it is often not possible condition in amateur site at the place of the antenna... |
Low Height Loop Antenna for 40- 6 meter Bands : By: Nikolay Kudryavchenko, UR0GT |
32- 37
Everyone knows the Golden Rule of the radio amateur antenna- the higher the antenna is placed, the better for radio communication. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to install the antenna at right height above the ground... |
UR5VFT Symmetrical Vertical for 7- 30- MHz : By: Vladimir Mitasov, UR5VFT |
38- 39
I have installed so called Symmetrical Vertical on the roof. The antenna was made according to recommendation of the RV3MS. Support mast was made from plastic tube in four meter length. On the mast was installed an old CB Antenna in 6.4- meter length. Antenna was installed at three meter above the concrete roof... |
Simple Wire Antenna for 3.5, 7, 14 and 28- MHz Band: By: Gennady Shkumat, UA9AAP |
The simple wire antenna works at the 3.5, 7, 14 and 28-MHz band. It was tested in the Air for several months with 40- Watt transceiver and shows very good result...
Simple I.V. Antenna for 80-, 40-, 20-, 15- and 10- meter Band: By: Vladimir Fursenko, UA6CA |
It is very simple I. V. antenna that works at 80-, 40-, 20- 15- and 10- meter band... |
Twin Delta Antenna with Phase Feeding Elements for the 20 meter Band: By: Vladimir Roshupkin, RV3ZH |
An efficiency antenna for the 20- meter band is a Twin Delta Loop with phase feeding elements... |
Experiments with Loop Antennas : By: Victor Pisanov, UA9OS and Gennady Yudin, UA9PP |
43- 44
Directional loop antennas are popular in the radio amateurs. The antennas were investigated by the radio amateurs and they developed lots of different variants of the loop antenna. Authors of the articles stay on the same page and tried investigate and improved design and performance of the loop antenna... |
UR0GT Long Quad Antennas for the 28- MHz Band: By: Nikolay Kudryavchenko, UR0GT |
45- 49
Long Quad antennas are very interesting family of the simple and at that
time high gain antennas. The antennas may have 50 or 75- Ohm input impedance.
Four One Band Antennas on One Mast: by: Sergey Popov, RZ9CJ |
It is possible place four one band antennas for 7, 14, 21 and 28- MHz on one 10- meter mast... |
Two Simple Two Elements Antennas for 80 and 40 meter Band: Credit Line: RADIO REF, 1971, # 8-9 |
The two directional antennas were installed at the top of already existing mast for YAGI for 10 and 15 meter Band. The directional antennas were intended to use at the contest... |
Antennas for 50- MHz Band |
Dipole Antenna for the 50-MHz Band: By: Igor Grigorov, VA3ZNW |
52- 55
Every radio amateur wants fill up any free space by an antenna. Not nearly enough antennas! So as I found a free space where I can install an antenna. True, it was a small place where I could install a small antenna. I choose a dipole antenna for 6 meter Band... |
RW4HFN Pyramidon Antenna for the 50- MHz Band: By: Igor Vakhreev, RW4HFN |
56- 57
The antenna, named as Pyramidon Antenna, is very simple to do. It is a broadband antenna so it is cover a wide range of the 50- MHz band and the antenna is not critical to the dimension... |
RW4HFN Pyradouble Antenna for the 50- MHz Band: By: Igor Vakhreev, RW4HFN |
58- 59
The antenna, named as Pyradouble Antenna, is very simple to do. It is a broadband antenna so it is cover a wide range of the 50- MHz band and the antenna is not critical to the dimension... |
RN3DEK Horizontal Butterfly Antenna for the 50- MHz Band: By: Yuriy Skutelis, RN3DEK
60- 61
The Horizontal Butterfly antenna simulated in MMANA by RN3DEK
is very simple to do. It is a broadband antenna so it is cover a wide range
of the 50- MHz band and the antenna is not critical to the dimension...
RN3DEK Loop Antenna for the 50- MHz Band: By: Yuriy Skutelis, RN3DEK
62- 64
The antenna made from aluminum pipe coated with PVC. Benefit of the pipe: you may easy cut the pipe with knife; you may easy bend the pipe without any special fixtures; the antenna holds the form; the conduit protected to work in atmospheric conditions... | |||
RN3DEK Two Element YAGI Antenna for the 50- MHz Band : By: Yuriy Skutelis, RN3DEK
65- 66
The Simple Two Element YAGI antenna with tapering elements is easy to do and easy to tune. Base of the antenna is two tubes in diameter of 15- mm. Additional tubes in diameter of 13- mm allow tune the antenna in the resonance at the desired frequency at the 50- MHz band... | |||
RN3DEK Double Dipole Antenna for the 50- MHz Band : By: Yuriy Skutelis, RN3DEK
The Double Dipole Simple antenna with tapering elements is easy to do and easy to tune. The antenna has enough large sizes. However, diagram directivity of the antenna is similar to diagram directivity of two three element YAGI antennas placed in position reflector to reflector. ... |
Antennas for 145/435- MHz
UR0GT Dual Band Antenna for the 145 and 435- MHz Band: By: Nikolay Kudryavchenko, UR0GT |
69- 71
Dual band antennas for VHF/UHF band made on the base of the J- Antenna are popular among the radio amateurs... |
Antennas for 435- MHz
Collinear Antenna for 432- MHz Band: By: Nikolay Kudryavchenko, UR0GT
72- 73
The simple collinear antenna may be made from a length of aluminum tube, copper tube or just a thick wire. You need a 130- cm length for antenna and 70 cm length for four counterpoises. Despite of simplicity of the design the antenna has very good parameters... | |||
Two Wire Lines
Struts for Two Wire Line from Old Coaxial Cable: By: Anatoli, RL1L , ex. (RA0C, EY9AF, RA6XPL, RA6PS, RA6PGY) |
It is possible struts for two wire line make from the outer sheath of old coaxial cable. The outer sheath of a coaxial cable is resistant to harsh operating conditions, while also very light in weight... |
Struts from Old Plastic Bottles By: Sergei Kravchenko, US2INV
It is possible very easy make struts for two wire line from
old plastic bottles. Advantage of the struts is light weight, resistant
to ultraviolet and of course almost no money (only time) to spent... .... |
The Electrical Experimenter. September, 1917
The Electrical Experimenter was an American technical science magazine that was published monthly. ... The Electrical Experimenter continued from May 1913 to July 1920 under that name, focusing on scientific articles about radio, and continued with a broader focus as Science and Invention until August 1931. However this issue is a special- it is contains article on Tesla Tower
(Blows up!) and on to interesting secret antennas from 1917
Antennas. Tuning and Adjusting: By: Igor Grigorov, VA3ZNW
This book was written by me and published 20 years ago. The book was published in Moscow. However, the Publishing House, where the book was published, closet, the book is not available at shops. So I decided paste scan of the book in the Antentop Library... | |||
Antennas. Urban Design By: Igor Grigorov, VA3ZNW
This book was written by me and published 20 years ago. The book was published in Moscow. However, the Publishing House, where the book was published, closet, the book is not available at shops. So I decided paste scan of the book in the Antentop Library... |
Receiving Antennas |
Receiving Antennas for LW and MW Band by: R.W. Burhans, XMAN, 1428 |
79- 81
Amateur radio already has got LW bands- it is 2200- m (136- kHz) and 630- m (473- kHz). These interesting bands need not only transmitting but receiving antennas. The article is described several designs of receiving antennas for LW band...
Three Elements Active Directional Receiving Loop HF Antenna: By: R. I. Miller and Nikolay Vyachin (RW4CF) |
82- 83
The small sized directional antenna provides excellent receiving capability ever inside a room. The antenna was designed for receiving weak signals from amateur radio stations however the antenna may be used for receiving of the broadcasting radio stations... |
Low Noise Receiving Antenna for the 10- meter Band by: Leonid Labutin, UA3CR |
The receiving antenna was used for satellite receiving in the 10 meter Band. The antenna was installed at window on the 7- floor of the twelve store building... |
Wideband RX Antenna for 1.5- 30- MHz: by: "professor" |
This simple wideband dipole has SWR not more then 1.5:1.0
at the 1.5- 30- MHz. Dipole is not critical to location. It may be just
lay down on the concrete roof, like it was made by author of the antenna,
man with nick name "professor" from forum...
SWL Antenna for HF Bands by: Alex Demidenko, UA3443SWL, ex: UV3ACU, KB2QYR |
I cannot install an outdoor antenna at my location. After spending almost two months for experiments I managed design an indoor receiving antenna that works well on the HF bands... |
Observation of Anomalous Propagation of Radio Waves in the MW Band: By: Igor Grigorov, VA3ZNW |
87- 90
In this short article I want to tell about my observations of the anomalous propagation on MW Band. These observations were done during 2019-2021 in Niagara Falls, Ontario and Buffalo, NY... | |||
Odd Radio Reception: By: Kurt R Rudolph, KD7JYK |
Odd lack of radio reception of the AM, and FM broadcast bands, 530 kHz - 1710 kHz, and 88 MHz - 108 MHz, in the United States, May, June, 2021... |
International Civil Aviation Organization Phonetic Alphabet
I found this document in one old book that I bought at a Hamvention. It is interesting historic page from 1969 |
Shielded Loop Antenna |
94- 100
Just description of the patent... |
Last update: December 30, 2021 23:50 |