Antenna Books
Antenna Books of Interest to QRP Enthusiasts Version 1.3
April 3, 1997
Compiled by L. B. Cebik, W4RNL e-mail:
Contents: This file contains basic information on antenna books of
especial interest to QRP enthusiasts, but also of interest to all antenna
builders and users. The listing contains books on Basic Antenna
References and Texts; Wire Antennas; Beam and Yagi Antennas; Quads;
Vertical Antennas; Miscellaneous Antenna Projects; Antenna Testing and
Experimenting; and Transmission Lines and Matching
This list is restricted to books on antennas, because there are so
many of them. Books on more general aspects of electronics and
operating for QRP enthusiasts and periodicals of interest to QRP
enthusiasts will be found in separate listings.
Each entry in this book list provides the following information:
author, title, publisher, year of publication, cost, ISBN #, numbers
of pages, and a brief description of the contents.
The individual items in this list are believed to be reasonably
complete and accurate as of the date of this notice. Corrections and
additions may be e-mailed to me at the listed address. I shall be
pleased to add to the list any publication omitted if it is of high
interest to QRP operators and builders. And, of course, I shall be
pleased to correct any errors and update the information listed.
Permission to reproduce this list is hereby granted on condition that
a full reference to its source is included.
Good reading, good building, and good operating to you.
L. B. Cebik, W4RNL
Books of Interest to QRP Enthusiasts
Basic Antenna References and Texts
Author: R. Dean Straw, N6BV, Ed.
Title: The ARRL Antenna Book
Publisher: ARRL
Year: 1994
Cost: $30.00
ISBN #: 0-87259-473-4
Pages: 736 plus diskette
Contents: The largest amateur antenna reference book, covering
basic theory, many antenna types, transmission lines,
and allied information, with many practical designs to
Author: Richard C. Johnson
Title: Antenna Engineering Handbook, 3rd Ed.
Publisher: McGraw-Hill
Year: 1993
Cost: $110.00
ISBN #: 0-07-032381-X
Pages: 1000+
Contents: A comprehensive engineering reference on antenna types
and design methods, applications from low frequencies
to radio-telescopes, and associated topics, including
transmission lines, radomes, and materials.
Author: John D. Krauss
Title: Antennas, 2nd Ed.
Publisher: McGraw-Hill
Year: 1988
Cost: $90.00
ISBN #: 0-07-032xxx-x
Pages: 892
Contents: A classic engineering reference on antenna theory and
design, including a wide range of applications, with
extensive bibliographical references.
Author: George J. Monsur
Title: Antenna Design: A Practical Guide
Publisher: McGraw-Hill
Year: 1996
Cost: $60.00
ISBN #: 0-07-032xxx-x
Pages: 192
Contents: A primer for antenna engineers: designing prototypes
producing, testing, and analyzing antennas.
Author: John A. Kuecken
Title: Antennas and Transmission Lines
Publisher: MFJ
Year: 1996 (rerelease)
Cost: $19.95
Pages: 320
Contents: Theory of antennas and transmission lines midway
between mathematical and nonmathematical treatments.
Each of the 37 chapters covers an individual topic for
easy digestion.
Author: Joseph J. Carr
Title: Practical Antenna Handbook, 2nd Ed.
Publisher: McGraw-Hill: TAB
Year: 1994
Cost: $35.00
ISBN #: 0-07-011104-9
Pages: 560
Contents: A handbook of fundamental concepts, formulas, and
practical antenna designs, including muti-band wires,
hidden and limited space antennas, VHF/UHF/microwave
designs, and mobile/maritime/emergency antennas
Author: William I. Orr, W6SAI, and Stuart D. Cowan, W2LX
Title: Antenna Handbook
Publisher: Radio Amateur Callbook
Year: ---
Cost: $11.95
ISBN #: 0-8230-870x-x
Pages: ---
Contents: An overview with dimensions of many antenna types,
including verticals, horizontals, quads, deltas,
slopers, quagis, and log-periodics, with information on
transmission lines, SWR meters, wind loading and
Author: L. A. Moxon, G6XN
Title: HF Antennas for All Locations, 2nd Ed.
Publisher: RSGB
Year: 1993
Cost: $20.00
ISBN #: 1-872309-15-1
Pages: 322
Contents: Basic ideas and detailed construction data on many
antenna types, especially for small "gardens" (yards),
with evaluations of both recommended and disrecommended
types; includes the "Moxon rectangle."
Author: R. Dean Straw, N6BV
Title: All the right Angles
Publisher: LTA
Year: 1992
Cost: $65.00 (with software)
Pages: 500
Contents: The basics of ionospheric propagation and the use of
IONCAP software to model propagation paths, with
applications to antenna system design.
Author: J. M. Haerle, WB5IIR
Title: The Easy Way: HF Antenna Systems
Publisher: Overtones, Inc.
Year: 1984
Cost: $12.00
ISBN #: ---
Pages: 109
Contents: No-nonsense information on antenna fundamentals, basic
wire antennas, special antennas--such as the sloper,
DSRR, Beverage, and folded unipole--beam antennas, and
160-meter antennas.
tuners and SWR bridges.
Author: Lew McCoy, W1ICP
Title: Lew McCoy on Antennas
Publisher: CQ
Year: 1994
Cost: $15.95
ISBN #: 0-943016-08-8
Pages: 111
Contents: Basic concepts of antennas and matching written in the
style of an experienced writer for beginners, but
includes numerous recent designs and advances.
Author: Bill Orr, W6SAI
Title: HF Antenna Handbook
Publisher: CQ
Year: 1996
Cost: $19.95
ISBN #: 0-943xxx-xx-x
Pages: 200
Contents: A compendium of wire, loop, Yagi, and vertical antennas
along with other information on resources and tools to
start or improve antenna installations.
Wire Antennas
Author: William I. Orr, W6SAI, and Stuart D. Cowan, W2LX
Title: Simple, Low-Cost Wire Antennas for Radio Amateurs
Publisher: Radio Amateur Callbook
Year: 1990
Cost: $11.95
ISBN #: 0-8230-8707-7
Pages: 188
Contents: Instructions for building tested wire antennas for 2
through 160 meters, including horizontal, vertical,
multi-band trap, and beam antennas, with information on
matching systems, and ground systems.
Author: John D. Heys, G3BDQ
Title: Practical Wire Antennas
Publisher: RSGB
Year: 1989
Cost: $14.00
ISBN #: 0-900612-87-8
Pages: 100
Contents: Practical aspects of wire antennas, from theory to
buying or building them, including Marconis, Windoms,
loops, dipoles, with a chapter on matching systems.
Author: Erwin David, G4LQI, Ed.
Title: HF Antenna Collection
Publisher: RSGB
Year: 1991
Cost: $18.00
ISBN #: 1-872309-08-9
Pages: 233
Contents: Articles from RSGB's Radio Communication, covering
single and multi-element horizontal and vertical
antennas, including some very small types, as well as
feed systems and antenna tuners.
Author: Edward M. Noll, W3FQJ
Title: 73 Dipole and Long-Wire Antennas
Publisher: MFJ
Year: ---
Cost: $12.95
ISBN #: ---
Pages: ---
Contents: A collection of tested wire antennas needing a minimum
of tools for building and testing, ranging from the
dipole to the rhombic.
Author: Dick Pascoe, G0BPS
Title: Pascoe's Penny Pinchers
Publisher: R. A. Pascoe
Year: ---
Cost: 4.95 L stirling
ISBN #: ---
Pages: ---
Contents: A collection of simple wire antennas that can be built
"for pence, not pounds." Includes building guidance
and ideas for hidden antennas.
Beam and Yagi Antennas
Author: James L. Lawson, W2PV
Title: Yagi Antenna Design
Publisher: ARRL
Year: 1986
Cost: $15.00
ISBN #: 0-87259-041-0
Pages: 210
Contents: Yagi performance calculations and optimization, ground
effects, stacking, and practical designs from simple to
very long.
Author: William I. Orr, W6SAI, and Stuart D. Cowan, W2LX
Title: Beam Antenna Handbook
Publisher: Radio Amateur Callbook
Year: 1990
Cost: $11.95
ISBN #: 0-8230-8704-2
Pages: 268
Contents: Comprehensive look at HF and VHF Yagis, including
matching, building, antenna erection, and antenna
system evaluation.
Author: David B. Leeson, W6QHS
Title: Physical Design of Yagi Antennas
Publisher: ARRL
Year: 1992
Cost: $20.00
ISBN #: 0-87259-381-9
Pages: 325
Contents: Designing and reinforcing Yagi antennas to survive 120
mph winds, including structural design of elements,
booms, and masts.
Author: Bob Haviland, W4MB
Title: The Quad Antenna: A Comprehensive Guide to the
Construction, Design, and Performance of Quad Antennas
Publisher: CQ
Year: 1993
Cost: $15.95
ISBN #: 0-943016-05-3
Pages: 159
Contents: A comprehensive look at the concepts of the design and
construction of quad and other loop antennas, including
tips on optimizing quad designs.
Author: William I. Orr, W6SAI, and Stuart D. Cowan, W2LX
Title: Cubical Quad Antennas, 3rd Ed.
Publisher: Radio Amateur Callbook
Year: 1993
Cost: $11.95
ISBN #: 0-8230-8703-4
Pages: 109
Contents: History, characteristics, design demension,
construction, and tuning of multi-element quads, with
chapters on feed systems and quad variants.
Author: John Koszeghy, K2OB
Title: High Performance Cubical Quad Antennas, 2nd Ed.
Publisher: self-published
Year: 1996
Cost: $29.95
Pages: 205
Contents: A study of quad antennas of all types, from 2 to many
elements, including test and measurement data for
comparing Quads with Yagis.
Author: George McCarthy, W6SUN
Title: More About Cubical Quads
Publisher: WorldRadio
Year: 1994
Cost: $9.95
Pages: 60
Contents: A guide to the practical side of building quads,
on many years of experience, including where to
find parts and accessories.
Vertical Antennas
Author: Robert Schetgen, KU7G, Editor
Title: Vertical Antenna Classics
Publisher: ARRL
Year: 1995
Cost: $12.00
ISBN #: 0-87259-521-8
Pages: 123
Contents: Reprints of vertical antenna theory, design, and
applications from QST, and the Antenna Compendium
series, gathered in one place for convenience.
Author: Paul H. Lee, N6PL
Title: The Vertical Antenna Handbook
Publisher: CQ
Year: ---
Cost: $9.95
ISBN #: 0-943016-xx-x
Pages: ---
Contents: Basic theory, design, and practice of vertical
antennas, including grounds and construction of both
simple and multi-element arrays; a classic.
Author: William I. Orr, W6SAI, and Stuart D. Cowan, W2LX
Title: All About Vertical Antennas
Publisher: Radio Amateur Callbook
Year: ---
Cost: $11.95
ISBN #: 0-8230-870x-x
Pages: ---
Contents: A compendium of 52 vertical antenna designs, including
Marconis, multi-band verticals, phased arrays, shunt-
fed towers, and vertical loops, with information on
ground, matching systems, loading coils, and TVI.
Author: Edward M. Noll, W3FQJ
Title: 73 Vertical, Beam, and Triangle Antennas
Publisher: MFJ
Year: ---
Cost: $12.95
ISBN #: ---
Pages: ---
Contents: A collection of vertical antennas and phased and
parasitic arrays, including end-fire, broadside, and
colinear arrays.
Miscellaneous Antenna Projects
Author: Dick Ganderton, G8VFH, Ed.
Title: More Out of Thin Air
Publisher: PW Publishing Ltd (Practical Wireless)
Year: 1995
Cost: $12.00
ISBN #: 1-874110-05-0
Pages: 111
Contents: A collection of antenna construction articles covering
all aspects of amateur operation, from low bands to
VHF, from wires to beams, with workshop information
and lots of construction detail.
Author: George Dobbs, G3RJV, Ed.
Title: The G-QRP Club Antenna Handbook
Publisher: (available from N8ET, Kanga USA, 3521 Spring Lake Dr.,
Findlay, OH 45840)
Year: ---
Cost: $12.00
ISBN #: ---
Pages: 155
Contents: A collection of all the antenna articles in SPRAT's
first 68 issues, including ATUs and test equipment, HF
beam, wire, and vertical antennas, loop and restricted
site antennas, and VHF antennas, with additonal
information in appendices.
Author: Jerry Hall or Dean Straw
Title: Antenna Compendium, Vol. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5
Publisher: ARRL
Year: 1990-96
Cost: $10-20
ISBN #: 0-87259-xxx-x
Pages: varies according to volume number
Contents: Collections of articles on antenna types, designs,
modeling, construction, impedance matching, and other
aspects of HF, VHF, and UHF antennas.
Author: Doug DeMaw, W1FB
Title: W1FB's Antenna Notebook
Publisher: ARRL
Year: 1987
Cost: $10.00
ISBN #: 0-87259-xxx-x
Pages: 136
Contents: How to get the best performance from unobtrusive wire
and vertical antennas, and how to build simple antenna.
Author: John Devoldere, ON4UN
Title: Antennas and Techniques for Low Band DXing, 2nd Ed.
Publisher: ARRL
Year: 1994
Cost: $20.00
ISBN #: 0-87259-xxx-x
Pages: 400
Contents: Antenna designs and software for DXing on 40, 80, and
160 meters, with operating tips and strategies.
Author: Frank Hughes, VE3DQB
Title: Hidden Ham Antennas
Publisher: ---
Year: ---
Cost: $12.95
ISBN #: ---
Pages: ---
Contents: A collection of ideas for small and hidden antennas for
HF, VHF, and UHF.
Author: Larry Luchi, W7KZE
Title: The Technician Antenna Handbook
Publisher: MFJ
Year: ---
Cost: $12.95
ISBN #: ---
Pages: ---
Contents: Beginners book of antennas using easily available
Antenna Testing and Experimenting
Author: Peter Dodd, G3LDO
Title: The Antenna Experimenter's Guide
Publisher: (available from N8ET, Kanga USA, 3521 Spring Lake Dr.,
Findlay, OH 45840)
Year: ---
Cost: $15.00
ISBN #: ---
Pages: 200
Contents: Focuses on antenna measurements, including resonance,
impedance, field strength, and antenna performance, wit
information on antenna modeling, masts and materials,
and experimental antennas.
Author: Ralph Tyrrell, W1TF
Title: MFJ Troubleshooting Antennas
Publisher: MFJ
Year: ---
Cost: $12.95
ISBN #: ---
Pages: ---
Contents: An overview of tests to evaluate antenna performance.
Transmission Lines and Matching
Author: Walt Maxwell, W2DU
Title: Reflections: Transmission Lines and Antennas
Publisher: Formerly, ARRL: put of print, but may be reissued
Year: 1990
Cost: $20.00
ISBN #: 0-87259-299-5
Pages: 388
Contents: Information on transmission lines, matching networks,
and Smith chart use mixed with the correction of myths
in amateur circles about SWR, reflected power, and
antenna tuners.
Author: Wilfred Caron
Title: Antenna Impedance Matching
Publisher: ARRL
Year: 1989
Cost: $20.00
ISBN #: 0-87259-220-0
Pages: 200+
Contents: How to use Smith charts to develop both simple and
complex matching networks, with detailed examples to
guide the new Smith chart user.
Author: Wes Hayward, W7ZOI
Title: ARRL MicroSmith, V. 2.00 (Software)
Publisher: ARRL
Year: 1992
Cost: $39.00
ISBN #: 0-87259-407-6
Pages: 48 (Instruction Booklet)
Contents: Smith chart simulation program for PCs to design
networks with fixed or variable L-C components, with
graphic screen outputs.
Author: Jerry Sevick, W2FMI
Title: Transmission Line Transformers, 2nd Ed.
Publisher: ARRL
Year: 1990
Cost: $20.00
ISBN #: 0-87259-296-0
Pages: 247
Contents: The fundamental textbook on the theory, design, and
construction of transmission line transformers.
Author: Jerry Sevick, W2FMI
Title: Building and Using Baluns and Ununs
Publisher: CQ Communications
Year: 1994
Cost: $19.95
ISBN #: ---
Pages: ---
Contents: Construction and application of practical transmission
line transformers based on a series of articles in CQ.
Author: Roger R. Block
Title: The Grounds for Lightning and EMP Protection, 2nd Ed.
Publisher: PolyPhaser Corporation
Year: 1993
Cost: $21.95
ISBN #: ---
Pages: 95
Contents: Basic concepts of grounding and lightning protection
from a leading manufacturer of protection materials and
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