====================================================================== Periodicals of Interest to QRP Enthusiasts Version 2.0 July 1, 1999 Compiled by L. B. Cebik, W4RNL e-mail: cebik@.utk.edu Contents: This file contains basic information on periodicals of especial interest to QRP enthusiasts. It lists club-sponsored and subscription periodicals that are of wide interest to QRPers world-wide and that are readily available. NOT included are standard, general interest amateur radio journals, such as QST, CQ, Communications Quarterly, 73, RADCOM, and others from all over the world. Although these journals often contain articles of interest to QRP enthusiasts, they are too well known to require space here. World Radio and FISTs have regular QRP columns. Electronics books and antenna books of interest to QRP enthusiasts will be found in two separate listings. Each entry in this list providess the following information: journal name, issues per year, source, cost per year, basis of subscription, average pages per issue, subscription or membership address, a brief description of the usual contents, and special notes. This list is believed to be reasonably complete and accurate as of the date of this notice. Corrections and additions may be e-mailed to me at the listed address. I shall be pleased to add to the list any publication omitted if it is of high interest to QRP operators and builders. And, of course, I shall be pleased to correct any errors and update the information listed. Permission to reproduce this list is hereby granted on condition that a full reference to its source is included. Good reading, good building, and good operating to you. L. B. Cebik, W4RNL ====================================================================== ========================================== Periodicals of Interest to QRP Enthusiasts ========================================== 1. Name: QRP Quarterly Issues per year: 4 Source: QRP ARCI Cost: $15.00 US* Basis: Membership Pages: 60+/issue Address: Ken Evans, W4DU (Treasurer) 848 Valbrook Court Lilburn, GA 30047 USA Contents: Construction (circuits, antennas, modifications, test equipment, etc.), equipment and accessories reviews, shop and building tips ("Idea Exchange," WA8MCQ), operating, award, editorial views and QRP philosophy, contest dates and results, and member news (KI6SN); Editor Ron Stark, KU7Y Notes: *$18/yr VE; $20/yr DX; 8.5x11 format 2. Name: SPRAT Issues per year: 4 Source: G-QRP Club Cost: $14.00 US* Basis: Membership Pages: 44/issue Address: *Bill Kelsey, N8ET; Kanga US 3521 Spring Lake Drive Findlay, OH 45840 USA Contents: Ed. George Dobbs, G3RJV; 60% construction each issue (circuits, antennas, test equipment, etc., both basic and advanced, with some pcb layouts) from many different countries; award, operating, contest, G- novice, SSB, VHF, and member columns and news Notes: *Membership/subscription dues to be sent according to country of residence; see list of clubs for information on non-US costs and addresses; SPRAT = "Small Powered Radio Amateur Transmitter", 5.75x8.5 3. Name: QRPp Issues per year: 4 Source: NORCAL Cost: $15.00 US Basis: Membership Pages: 64-84/issue Address: The QRP Club of Northern California Jim Cates, WA6GER 3241 Eastwood Road Sacramento, CA 95821 USA Contents: Ed. Doug Hendricks, KI6DS; over 20 articles per issue, mostly devoted to technical and construction topics including new designs, conversions, improvements, and modifications, featuring NORCAL club projects, with a member profile and some operating features. Notes: $15/yr US and VE; $20/yr DX (air mail delivery); mailing schedule: March, June, Sept, Dec.; Make subscription checks payable to Jim Cates, not NORCAL; 5.75x8.5; bound past volumes available. 4. Name: Low Down Issues per year: 6 Source: Colorado QRP Club Cost: $15.00 US Basis: Membership* Pages: 32-36/issue Address: Rich High, W0HEP (Editor)* 740 Galena Street Aurora, CO 80010-3922 USA FAX: 303-344-0741 e-mail: CQC@aol.com Contents: Technical articles; rig profiles and other equipment reviews; overseas QRP operating features; club member profiles ("Check-Ins"); CQC contest news, rules, and forms; QRP philosophy and views; regular antenna column (Antennas From the Ground Up) Notes: $20/yr DX; 5.75x8.5 *Send memberships and renewals to this address: Colorado QRP Club P.O. Box 371883 Denver, CO 80237-1883 5. Name: The Five-Watter (T5W) Issues per year: 4 Source: Michigan QRP Club Cost: $ 7.00 US* Basis: Membership Pages: 20/issue Address: Editor: Tom Arvo, WA8DXD P.O. Box 2550 Goldenrod, FL 32733-2550 Contents: A mix of club, operating, building, and antenna information Notes: *New memberships: $7.00 US/VE, $12 DX; renewal dues $5.00 US/VE, $10 DX; Size 5.75x8.5 Membership and renewal address: 654 Georgia Avenue Marysville, MI 48040 6. Name: Lo-Key Issues per year: 4 Source: CW Operators QRP Club (VK) Cost $14.00 A* Basis: Mem/Subscription Pages: 32/issue Address: Kevin Zietz, VK5AKZ 41 Tobruk Avenue St. Marys, SA 5042 Australia Contents: Ed. Don Callow, VK5AIL; Two to three construction articles/issue, including advanced ideas, equipment modifications, keyers, etc. (some with parts kits available); awards, contest, and net program news. Notes: *VK price $10/yr; ZL $12/yr; dx S14/yr: N8ET will accept subscription money at Dayton and forward in order to assist with currency conversion. 5.75x8.5 7. Name: QRP Report Issues per year: 4 Source: DL-QRP-AG Cost: $20.00 US* Basis: Membership/Subscription Pages: 32-48/issue Address: Peter Zenker, DL2FI Saarstrasse13 12161 Berlin Germany Contents: Numerous construction articles, equipment reviews, and other technical topics of interest to QRPers. Many short articles and small projects, plus a complete transceiver in almost every issue. Most projects are available as kits from DL-QRP-AG. Edited by Matthias Rauhut, DF2OF Notes: Format: 7.75x8.25". *Yearly subscription 20 DM in Germany 8. Name: OK QRP INFO Issues per year: 4 Source: OK (Czech) QRP Club Cost: $10.00 US* Basis: Membership Pages: 35/issue Address: Petr Doudra OK1CZ (IN: HRUSKA@ig.cas.cz) U 1. baterie 1 16200 Praha (Prague) Czech Republic Contents: Several construction articles (up to 8 brief ones), most with English translations; also general interest reports on QRP activities Notes: *Cost/yr: 15 IRCs; GBP 5.00; US$ 10.00; DM 15; 5.75x8.5