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4-Ovals Antenna for 430-MHz

4-Ovals Antenna for 430-MHz for MountainsR




Antentop is FREE e-magazine devoted to Antennas and Amateur Radio an

Special page devoted to

4-Ovals Antenna for 430-MHz

4-Ovals Antenna for 430-MHz for MountainsR



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4- Ovals Antenna for 430- MHz: Igor, UA6HJQ

Why an oval? At first, from the antenna theory we know that an oval radiates energy a little bit more effectively than a square. At the second, in practical, it is more easy to do an oval then a square.. So choose the OVAL!

4- Ovals Antenna for 430- MHz for mountains: Igor, UA6HJQ

The antenna is tested at 1997 and at 2000 on the mountain Elbrus and the antenna shows good result. I made QSOs in distance of 200-300 kms with 59 for both ends!


Two articles in one PDF file, 230 KB (ANTENTOP-03-2003, pp.: 69- 70)

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Last Updated:

February 4, 2018 22:56