A dipole antenna is most simple antenna ever. Easy
to make easy to tune to the working band. And it is benefit if
the simple antenna works on two bands. Below described simple
dipole antenna that can work on 7 and 21- MHz.
Figure 1 shows design of the antenna.
If the antenna cannot be placed symmetrically nearby objects it would
be great to install on the feeding coaxial cable several ferrite
rings. Antenna may be made from any wire in 1- 3 mm in diameter.
MMANA file below allows you play with the antenna with
conditions on your location.
Figure 2 shows Z of the Simple Dipole
Antenna for 7 and 21- MHz Band at 7-MHz Band. Figure 3
shows SWR of the Simple Dipole Antenna for 7 and 21- MHz Band at 7-MHz
Band. Figure 4 shows DD of the Simple
Dipole Antenna for 7 and 21- MHz Band at 7-MHz Band.
Figure 5 shows Z of the Simple Dipole
Antenna for 7 and 21- MHz Band at 21-MHz Band. Figure 6
shows SWR of the Simple Dipole Antenna for 7 and 21- MHz Band at 21-MHz
Band. Figure 7 shows DD of the Simple
Dipole Antenna for 7 and 21- MHz Band at 21-MHz Band.
73! de UR0GT