As you can see from the Table 2 additional wire affected
my Beverage Antenna. Antenna gain was increased (theoretically)
near to 3 dB at all working Bands. However due high SWR I lost
middle of HF Bands- 40, 30 and 20- Meter Bands. I cannot say that
I have noticed significant difference in reception and transmission
mode at the rest Bands. Below Figure 13
to Figure
11 show DD of the Beverage Antenna at the 160, 80,
40, 30, 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10- meter Bands in the vertical plane.
Feedline with matching transformer is on the left side and the
termination resistor is on the right side of the figures. DD the
Beverage Antenna at 160 and 80 Meter Bands are practically identical
so those ones shown at one figure- Figure 13.
As you can see from the Figure 13 - Figure 20 the DD of the Beverage
Antenna with additional
wire at termination load changed compare to classical Beverage
Antenna. In theory the antenna should work better compare to my
old one. However the antenna as well has signification radiation
into zenith.
Figure 13
DD of modified Beverage
Antenna with additional
wire at termination load at 160 and 80- Meter Band
Figure 14
DD of modified Beverage
Antenna with additional
wire at termination load at 40- Meter Band
Figure 15
DD of modified Beverage
Antenna with additional
wire at termination load at 30- Meter Band