Antenna for first several years was feed through 75- Ohm coaxial
cable that was going along the building wall. Then I have removed
this cable and have installed a new one (50- Ohm good coaxial
cable) inside building in ventilation shaft. Termination load
was reworked to 450- Ohm. SWR of the antenna was not more the
1.5: 1 at all bands with 75 and 50- Ohm coaxial cable. You may
find on the Figure 41 address of the building. It seems to me
still it is possible to find remains of my antennas on the roof
using Google Map...
Antenna worked great on all HF- Bands from 160 till
10- meter band. 160 and 80 meter bands at the antenna were good
to communicate with Ham stations from Europe and Asia.
Figure 44
DD of Beverage Antenna
of amateur station UA3ZNW- UZ3ZK- RK3ZK at 160- Meter Band
North America and Japan propagated good above 40- meter
Band. Table 5 shows the data for the
antenna. Maxima gain is given to the radiation angle at where
it is. Figure 44 to
52 show DD of the Beverage Antenna at the 160, 80,
40, 30, 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10- meter Bands in the vertical plane.
Feedline with matching transformer is on the left side and the
termination load is on the right side of the figures.
As you can see from Figure 44 to Figure 52 the Beverage Antenna has
not so bad DD.
If you have possibility to install such antenna- do
not hesitate. It is easy to install, easy to match, invisible
and low noise antenna.
73! de